Mailbox 250 El Camino Drive


As a guy who really likes the whole hot rod scene, I thought this mailbox was pretty cool! Very understated, and yet anyone who has an appreciation for all things car culture can really dig what’s going on here.

Of course I’m talking about the numbers. Chances are they came off a pickup, but still they are neat to look at, what a great idea, that is of course if you live on the right street and have the right address. I wonder if they moved there just because they liked the address, wouldn’t that be interesting! I like how the mailbox is pretty beat too, almost ready to give up and be put out to pasture. It seems to be hanging on by just a nail, about to topple off its perch. Also, it’s old school, you notice that the latch is tin, not plastic, so this thing has been around for a bit. Good for them, stick with what works! -YoPedro

