DC Comics

Prizes or Cash



Disclaimer: No comics were harmed in the making of this paper airplane. -The Management

A paper airplane made from a folded vintage advertisement, found within the pages of the comic books of my youth. This is the Olympic Sales Club, that offered prizes or cash for you efforts. I often wonder who out there did these things because they stayed in business somehow? Who knows how long they really did stick around?

A lot of the prizes were pretty awesome, or so they made them seem, but who knows what the reality was, it may have been a scam, or at least it seemed so. I have no doubt that they were legitimate companies, just not very good or successful business models.

I have preserved my copies of these old ads as illustrated paper airplanes, because it seems rather fitting, and it makes them all the more interesting, or at least I like to think so.

I have a lot of old comic books to draw from, and I like the way the ads show us how we were living a lot differently back then.

This is “Appropriation Art”, or at least it’s my version of it. It’s a tribute to my youth, and the time I spent reading comic books. -YoPedro


This image is available on MADPaperAirplanes or RedBubble as a print, or a whole bunch of products, it boggles the mind. One of the best parts about art these days is the ability to print it on so many different surfaces and items. For an artist this is quite an exciting time, to know that buyers of art are willing to share artwork in such wonderful new ways.

If you would prefer a signed print, those are available too. -YoPedro



M-16 Marauder Toy Gun Advertisement



Disclaimer: No comics were harmed in the making of this paper airplane. -The Management

A lot has changed over the years, and this is a perfect example of just how much it has! This is an advertisement for a toy machine gun from 1967, I can’t even imagine any toy company trying this now, the backlash would cripple them. This is from the back cover of a comic book, a full page ad and while it may seem controversial to us now, it really wasn’t back then.

I have a lot of these old comic books, and I like the way the ads show us how we were living a lot differently back then.

This is “Appropriation Art”, or at least it’s my version of it. It’s a tribute to my youth, and the time I spent reading comic books. -YoPedro


This image is available on PIXELS or RedBubble as a print, or a whole bunch of products, it boggles the mind. One of the best parts about art these days is the ability to print it on so many different surfaces and items. For an artist this is quite an exciting time, to know that buyers of art are willing to share artwork in such wonderful new ways.

If you would prefer a signed print, those are available too. -YoPedro



Treasure Chest of Fun



Disclaimer: No comics were harmed in the making of this paper airplane. -The Management

This page of classified ads, for a lot of cheap stuff that as a kid you knew was going to be the most amazing thing you would ever get if you could afford it. Alas, these were never as exciting as the ads made them out to be. The X-Ray Specs did nothing special, the Joy Buzzer didn’t last very long, and I was never able to trick any of my friends into eating the Onion Gum.

That’s not really the point though, it’s about all the promises these ads offered. They were exciting to read, fun to dream about, and if you could come up with the $1 plus shipping (not easy for a 7 year old back then) the possibilities were endless.

This is “Appropriation Art”, or at least it’s my version of it. It’s a tribute to my youth, and the time I spent reading comic books. -YoPedro


This image is available on PIXELS or RedBubble as a print, or a whole bunch of products, it boggles the mind. One of the best parts about art these days is the ability to print it on so many different surfaces and items. For an artist this is quite an exciting time, to know that buyers of art are willing to share artwork in such wonderful new ways.

If you would prefer a signed print, those are available too. -YoPedro



Batman 194 Cover Art Paper Airplane


Continuing my passion for all things paper airplane, I have this comic book superhero cover that I have created. It’s pretty tidy, with just enough graphics showing to give you all the info you need on the image itself.

This is comic book cover art, and it’s pretty amazing. Sometimes you can find some gems hidden within the pages of the most mundane comics, and other times a comic is chock full of page after page of amazing artwork. Mostly this is my little venture into appropriation art, taking from the masters and retooling it to fit my own vision of the genre.

Like many people out there I have a collection of comics sitting around gathering dust, and I hate to think that it’s going to just turn to dust someday. Instead, I’m doing this art project, and with any luck, it will click with some out thereā€¦

This image is available on PIXELS or RedBubble as a print, a throw pillow, art print, framed print, poster, cell phone case, and the list goes on. One of the greatest things about art these days is the ability to print it on so many different items. For an artist this is quite an exciting times, to know that buyers of art are willing to show their creations off in such wonderful new ways. It’s also available for licensing for those of you who may need this image for commercial purposes. Of course if you want to have a personally signed print directly from me, those are available too.

One last note: This is “Appropriation Art”, or at least it’s my version of it. This is a parody of the original artwork, which I have the utmost respect for. -YoPedro

